Six PhD offers for the GENIUS MSCA Doctoral Network – « Glide-symmetric metasurfaces for communications and sensing »

Metamaterials characterized by glide symmetries possess marvellous electromagnetic properties (ultra- wide band propagation, strong isolation and high absorption features) capable to address the open challenges of modern radio-frequency systems, motivated by the increasing demand of ubiquitous connectivity, and the growing automation of transports. The six doctoral students recruited in this doctoral network will work on the design of lenses, absorbers, antennas and beamformers by exploiting these new materials, together with top European actors of research and innovation in radio-frequency systems.

Partners: Sorbonne University (France), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Polytechnic of Turin (Italy), Thales RT (France), IMST (Germany), Sinowave (Sweden), Airbus (United Kingdom)