18-month research engineer position, Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques (MPQ), Paris: metamaterial devices for photovoltaics and photodetection

[…] We are seeking to hire a research engineer for the 18-month dur ation of the ERC Proof-of-Concept grant AMELI (principal investigator: Aloyse Degiron). AMELI aims at developing a family of out-of-equilbrium carrier devices that operate on a metamaterial technology discovered by the PI during the course of his ERC-CoG project. This technology does not rely on a P-N junction (or one of its derivatives) to create electricity, giving access to a parameter space that is different from that of traditional devices. The research engineer who will be hired will assess the potential for disruption of this approach, maximize the performances and propose a first photovoltaic or photodetector prototype at the end of the project […]