PhD offer, IETR, Rennes: Contactless Characterization of Miniature and Buried Antennas WithinReverberation Chambers

Smart cities rely on the use on wireless sensor networks to ensure monitoring activities for a large panel of applications: structural health, soil composition, air, and water quality… Sensors are therefore either in contact or embedded within a lossy medium such as concrete, soil or water. Such complex environment in the sensor’s vicinity implies a degradation of the radio performances, and particularly a decrease in the antenna radiation efficiency. The estimation of such efficiency, critical parameter to limit power consumption, is barely possible with conventional measurement methods in the case of buried and miniature antennas […] In that context, innovative efficiency measurement methods are required to overcome current limitations of conventional methods.
Reverberation chambers (RCs) have become a reliable alternative to anechoic chambers to perform antenna radiation pattern and efficiency measurement. The objective of this PhD is to develop a contactless antenna measurement method suitable for low efficiency and buried antennas, based on our recent proof-of-concept.

How to apply: send a resume, cover letter, and last academic transcripts to