PhD offer: Ultra-Low-Profile Electronically Steerable Transmitarray Antennas for SATCOM applications at Ka-band


High gain electronically reconfigurable antennas with beam-steering, multi-beam, and beam-forming capability are required in a huge number of emerging applications for radar, sensing,
and communication systems (civil and military) typically ranging from C-band (4-8 GHz) to D-band (110-170 GHz). Classically composed of one or more radiating surfaces operating in
transmission mode and illuminated by one focal source or a focal array, transmitarrays (also called discrete lenses) are a recent cutting-edge antenna concept. Transmitarrays are realized using multilayer printed circuit technologies compatible with the integration of active devices (diodes, MEMS, NEMS, semi-conductors, etc.). These devices can be used to control the electromagnetic field on the array aperture. In this way, electronically reconfigurable antennas with beam-steering and beam-forming capability can be implemented.


The PhD work, carried out in collaboration with the University of Rennes I, CEA-LETI and IETR (University of Rennes I), aims to make major innovation in modeling and design of transmitarray antennas for application in Ka-band (28 – 40 GHz); more specifically, it will address the development of numerical tools for the design of ultra-low-profile transmitarray, and the
design and demonstration of several transmitarrays with advanced functionalities, such as dual polarization, multi-beam and electronic reconfiguration.

All information about candidate profile and required skills can be found in this document.
