PhD offer: Nonlinear topological photonics in direct-laser-written optical fibers


Topological material properties are ruled by topological invariants. Such a protection is actually not restricted to electronics and has been recently brought to the photonics realm, providing a remarkable framework for the study of fundamental topological phenomena. So far, the vast majority of observed topological phenomena arise from topological invariants defined in the linear regimes.


The main goal of the project, proposed in the framework of a joint program (co-tutelle) between the Institut de Physique de Nice (INPHYNI), Université Côte d’Azur (Nice, France) and the Centre d’Optique Photonique et Laser (COPL), Université Laval (Québec, Canada), is to study, implement and exploit novel nonlinear topological phases of light. We aim at using a photonic experimental platform which consists in coupled-cores arrays inscribed in optical fibers via a unique continuous direct-laser-writing technique. We target, among other, the experimental observation of long-lived topological solitons, the generation of robust supercontinuum from topological laser filaments and we will consider the fabrication of robust optical isolators as an applied perspective.

More details in this document.
