PostDoctoral offer: near-field thermal radiative heat transfer


The EFINED ( Energy-Filtering Non-Equilibrium Devices ) project addresses innovative energy-filtering nano-devices for information and communications technology (ICT), involving bolometers, thermionic nano-junctions and scanning probe microscopy technologies. At the intersection of phononics, photonics, nanoscale electro-thermal devices and molecular engineering, it aims at generating new knowledge and understanding at the fundamental limits of nanoscale energy management, and at demonstrating novel proof-of-concept non-equilibrium phonon-engineered electrothermal devices in real applications.

The project, which will run until 2021, involves partners in Finland, Switzerland, Germany and UK.


The Centre for Energy and Thermal Sciences, Lyon, France (CETHIL) opens a position of post-doctoral researcher in the area of nanoscale thermal radiation. The work will be performed in the frame of the European collaborative project ‘EFINED’ financed by the H2020 program, which gathers the strengths of 5 partners on the topics of energy management down the molecular scale and low temperature.

All information about objectives and required skills can be found in this document.
