Master internship + PhD offer: Hot electron-assisted colloidal growth of plasmonic nanoantennae (CroCoNano project)


The project associates three departments of the Laboratory Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France) into a multidisciplinary project team combining all the necessary skills in ultrafast plasmonics, interface reactivity and nanoparticle synthesis.


The objective of the CROCONANO project (Croissance colloidale de nanoantennes plasmoniques assistée par électrons chauds) is to control the crystalline growth of gold nanoparticles using ultra-short laser pulses. To do this we will exploit the coupling between plasmonic properties and transient electronic excitations of gold nanoparticles in colloidal solution to locally modify their surface reactivity and thus direct their preferred growth directions.

All details in this document.


  • Christophe LABBEZ (Interfaces Dpt.)
  • Julien BOUDON (Nanosciences Dpt.)
  • Benoît CLUZEL (Photonics Dpt.)