3 PhD opportunities on reconfigurable directive antennas, France, from October 2023

In the framework of a national project on reconfigurable directive antennas, key academic French Research laboratories (CEA LETI, ICMCB, IETR, Telecom Paris and XLIM) are joining forces to propose innovative architectures for reconfigurable low-profile and highly directive antennas to go beyond the current state of the art. In this framework, three PhD positions are proposed to tackle next generation challenges for highly directive antennas in a very unique
collaborative environment.
The PhD positions will start in October 2023 and will be guested by CEA LETI (Grenoble), IETR (Rennes), Telecom Paris (Palaiseau) and XLIM (Limoges). Mobility among laboratories is also foreseen for some PhDs. Notice that European citizenship is required due to the defense context of the applications.