Post-doc position: Rayonnement thermique en champ proche dans les nanobulles plasmoniques / Near-field thermal radiation in plasmonic nanobubbles

CETHIL, Campus La Doua LyonTech Ce travail de post-doctorat consistera à évaluer correctement la contribution radiative à l’échange nanoparticle-liquide, pour différentes formes de nanoparticules et d’agglomérats. La théorie de Mie pour les sphères servira de support pour les premiers développements analytiques, et les travaux réalisés pour des cylindres (nanofils) pourront aussi être adaptés. Les formes […]

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Post doctoral position : original application in vibrating reverberation chambers (VIRC)

Research laboratory XLIM Laboratory, UMR CNRS 7252, University of Limoges, Limoges, France. Duration 12 months Deadline As soon as possible Project description The project proposes the theoretical and experimental study of chaotic vibrating reverberation chambers (CVRC) made of a metallic tent attached on a light frame. This low-cost test facility (compared to existing faradized enclosures) […]

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Post-doctoral position in the development of x-ray texture
tomography to study biomineralized tissue

Location At the Institut Fresnel in Marseille, France, and academic joint laboratory of Aix-Marseille University, CNRS and Ecole Centrale. Position The selected post-doctoral researcher will take active part in the ERC project, which requires: Mathematical formulation of the texture tomography inversion problem Design and numerical implementation of the numeric inversion code Experimental implementation of texture […]

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Offre Post-doc :

Chambre réverbérante pour exposition animale dans la bande 24-28 GHz Contexte Prochainement la 5G millimétrique (mmWave 5G) –filière prioritaire dans le cadre des stratégies d’accélération prévues dans le PIA4 – utilisera des fréquences autour de 26 GHz (bande couvrant typiquement le spectre 24-30 GHz, selon les pays). Ces fréquences sont caractérisées par une interaction différente […]

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Post doctorate level position in microscopy and computational imaging

The EquipEx+ Project IDEC « Computational Imaging and Detection »( coordinated by Institut Fresnel focusses on the new generation of optical imaging and detection instruments based on innovative co-design, bridging instrumentation and computational approaches. In this context, Institut Fresnel brings together competencies in conceptual and numerical developments and in advanced instrumentation. This postdoctorate-level position, supported by the […]

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Thématique Etudes et caractérisations des effets de vieillissement de nouveaux types de bobinages pour motorisations électriques à hautes performances. Studies and characterizations of aging effects regarding new types of windings for high performance electrical motors. Objectifs/travaux à réaliser Mise en œuvre d’un banc de caractérisation électrique de bobinages en vue d’une optimisation des isolants en […]

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Institute of Electronic, Microelectronic and Nanotechnology (UMR CNRS 8520), University of Lille, France

Project Description: Topological insulation, originally observed in Quantum Mechanics, has been recently transposed into classical physics, opening up new avenues in unprecedented wave control possibilities, namely in photonic and phononic crystals. Remarkable one-way propagating edge states were observed in nontrivial bandgaps when systems with topologically different phases were coupled. A fascinating property of these edge […]

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Postdoctoral position (24 months) – ANR MAPS at Yncréa Lille.

Context Yncréa Ouest/ISEN is a French major engineering school, specialized in digital sectors, recognized by the Ministry of Education and accredited by the CTI (the French national engineering qualification board). The mission of our dedicated teaching and administrative team is to provide students with a 5- year general engineering qualification, specializing in digital technologies. Based […]

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Postdoc Position in Computationam EM at Northeastern University

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Northeastern University (Boston, MA, USA). Candidates should have strong background in the area of electromagnetics, photonics, and metamaterials with emphasis on theory and computational modeling. Hossein Mosallaei for further information : Please contact Prof.Hosseinm (, along your CV. You can also find us on

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Capteurs photoniques pour la détection de polluants dans l’air

Contexte Ce projet, en partenariat avec un acteur industriel de la région Auvergne Rhône Alpes, a pour objectif le développement d’un capteur photonique ultra-sensible de polluants contenus dans l’air ambiant (projet FEDER « STACKPACK »). Ce projet est motivé d’une part par la demande de l’industriel pour le développement d’un capteur sensible, performant et compact, […]

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