PostDoctoral offer: near-field thermal radiative heat transfer

Context The EFINED ( Energy-Filtering Non-Equilibrium Devices ) project addresses innovative energy-filtering nano-devices for information and communications technology (ICT), involving bolometers, thermionic nano-junctions and scanning probe microscopy technologies. At the intersection of phononics, photonics, nanoscale electro-thermal devices and molecular engineering, it aims at generating new knowledge and understanding at the fundamental limits of nanoscale energy […]

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PostDoctoral offer: MIT-Food, Microwave Imaging Technology for Food Contamination Monitoring

Context Foreign body contamination in food is one of the major sources of complaints against food manufacturers, and can lead to injury, loss of brand loyalty and large recall expenses. Different technologies, such as X-ray or infrared techniques, are currently applied to detection systems used for food inspection, but physical contamination, with e.g. wood, plastic, […]

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PostDoctoral offer: Low-profile steerable antenna in Ka-band

Context Institut d’Électronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes (IETR), UMR CNRS 6164. Rennes, France. Overview Compact and efficient antenna architectures are key enabler solutions for on-board electromagnetic applications (telecommunications, radars, electronic warfare, etc.). Current solutions use cumbersome mechanical systems, or expensive but flat electronically steered phased arrays. High data rates require the large bandwidth available […]

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Postdoctoral Scientist opportunity in the field of functional materials integration in high-frequency devices and microfabrication technologies

Context XLIM UMR 7252 CNRS/ University of Limoges has an expertise in the domain of electronics and microwaves, optics and photonics, functional materials integration; CAD, mathematics, computer sciences and image processing for the application in secured environments, biotechnology and health, energy control. XLIM incorporates more than 460 people: professors, CNRS researchers, engineers, technicians, post-doctoral researchers, […]

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CDD / PostDoc: Research scientist for high-frequency technology and antenna design (m/f)

Context The French‐German Research Institute of Saint‐Louis (ISL) situated in the border triangle of Germany, France and Switzerland is an internationally renowned research institute belonging to a global industrial and economic network. The spectrum of our core activities comprises a variety of topics: aerodynamics, energetic and advanced materials, lasers and electromagnetic technologies, protection, security and […]

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