Post-doctoral offer: Multimodal imaging


The PARCC (Paris Cardiovascular Research Center) (National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France, Paris Descartes University (Paris 5), France) is dedicated to experimental disease-oriented research and has as primary aim to catalyze and speed up the production of basic knowledge related to the understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of cardiovascular disease. It’s succeeded in bringing together an important critical mass of basic and clinician scientists, who share a vision and common objectives in the field of cardiovascular diseases.


The goal of the QUADRI-MODAL IMAGING project is to combine recent advances in imaging, in particular PET (Provost 2018), fast-ultrasonography (Errico 2015) and multi-spectral optoacoustic imaging (Taruttis 2015)) to deliver next-generation strategies for monitoring tissue metabolism in animals and humans. In particular, the project aims to identify how to complement and enhance PET measurements using contrast based on ultrafast ultrasound and optoacoustic imaging: specifically, imaging of perfusion due to high metabolic demand (ultrasound), oxygen utilization using hemoglobin as an intrinsic tissue sensor of oxgenation (optoacoustics at 700-850nm) and lipid and water readings (optoacoustics at 900-970nm).

More informations in this document.


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