Job offer in nonlinear photonics, laser physics and nanotechnologies

Post-doctoral position in frequency comb generation at 2 μm Starting date : From July 2021 Duration : 24 months, up to end of august 2023 Location : Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon (France) Funding : Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, FEDER, EIPHI Graduate School The Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgone offers a post-docoral position in fiber lasers, […]

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Offre de thèse : Photonic augmented security via physical unclonable functions

Contexte Today, the exponential growth in the number of interconnected devices (75 billion IoT devices expected by 2025) demands for more robust and reliable security layers to guarantee hardware integrity and information security. Security layers are a fundamental part of our hardware and digital infrastructure fulfilling several key functions e.g., assuring that a hardware sub-system […]

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Offre de poste : Maître de Conférences contractuel en Mesures Physiques


IUT de Saint-Etienne
28 Avenue Leon Jouhaux
42023 Saint Etienne Cedex 2


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PhD offer: Front-ends for terahertz heterodyne receivers in CubeSate platforms


Université de Rennes 1
2, rue du Thabor
CS 46510
35065 Rennes Cedex


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