ESoA ARIA off-shore course

The off-shore edition of the European School of Antennas (ESoA) course « Antennas and Rectennas for IoT Applications (ARIA) » will be held at the American University of Beirut (AUB) in Lebanon between October 1-5, 2018. The course will feature lectures and lab session, it covers 3 ECTS credits and is sponsored by National Instruments and IEEE […]

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PhD offer: Compact Antennas with Radiation Constraints Manufactured using Additive Technologies for UAV and Nanosatellites Applications

Context The interest in small-size autonomous platforms is growing rapidly. UAVs are for instance more and more used in the domains of media, agriculture and industry. Another example concerns the space industry where nanosatellites could yield a significant reduction in the launching and operation costs. These two domains share the common constraint of embedding complex […]

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PhD offer: Design of a very high-resolution imaging radar in W band for crowd monitoring: hardware and software issues

Context Nowadays, mm-wave scanners already installed in some airports and used during the checking before boarding, only control one person at a time with a protocol which is not compatible with the monitoring a flow of moving people. Optical cameras cannot perform this control and a systematic body check is not really feasible. Such a […]

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Offre de poste d’enseignant-chercheur en électromagnétisme appliqué

Contexte L’Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace ISAE-SUPAERO, à Toulouse, fort de son offre de formation d’ingénieurs, dont une en apprentissage, et de ses formations de masters, mastères spécialisés et doctorats est une institution de référence internationale pour la formation supérieure et la recherche dans le domaine aéronautique et spatial. L’ISAE-SUPAERO propose des enseignements […]

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Offre de thèse (CIFRE) : Étude d’antennes à déphasage mécanique pour des applications spatiales

Contexte Au sein de la Direction Technique Ingénierie de l’Avion et des Emports à Dassault, le service EMIR (ElectroMagnétisme et InfraRouge) a pour mission principale de conduire les études dans le domaine de la furtivité et du rayonnement. L’accès Internet à bord d’un avion d’affaire peut s’effectuer uniquement à l’aide de liaisons SATCOM. Afin d’établir […]

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PhD offer: Ultra-Low-Profile Electronically Steerable Transmitarray Antennas for SATCOM applications at Ka-band

Context High gain electronically reconfigurable antennas with beam-steering, multi-beam, and beam-forming capability are required in a huge number of emerging applications for radar, sensing, and communication systems (civil and military) typically ranging from C-band (4-8 GHz) to D-band (110-170 GHz). Classically composed of one or more radiating surfaces operating in transmission mode and illuminated by […]

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PhD offer: Universal Launcher Antenna

Context Communication links onboard launchers consist in 3 main functions: Telecommand, Trajectography and Telemetry. Each function currently operates over a dedicated frequency range within [0.4 GHz ; 6 GHz] and a specific antennas network is used for each one via different concepts. Such an implementation is not optimal from an industrial point of view since […]

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