PhD offer: Ultra-Low-Profile Electronically Steerable Transmitarray Antennas for SATCOM applications at Ka-band

Context High gain electronically reconfigurable antennas with beam-steering, multi-beam, and beam-forming capability are required in a huge number of emerging applications for radar, sensing, and communication systems (civil and military) typically ranging from C-band (4-8 GHz) to D-band (110-170 GHz). Classically composed of one or more radiating surfaces operating in transmission mode and illuminated by […]

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PhD offer: Millimeter-wave technologies for biomedical electromagnetics : multi-physics microdosimetry

Context Millimeter-wave (MMW) technologies are increasingly used for various applications. In particular, they have been used for high data rate communications [> 5 Gb/s] and 60-GHz technologies are expected to be integrated in the near future in the next generation mobile systems. Besides, it was suggested that MMW can be used for a number of […]

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PhD offer: Modeling and characterization of high-speed interconnects (antennas and transmission lines) at millimeter waves for automotive applications

Context APTIV is a high-technology company that integrates safer, greener and more connected solutions for the automotive and transportation sectors. To fulfill the needs of our R&D center located in Epernon, France, we are looking for a candidate to prepare a PhD thesis on high-speed transmissions at millimeter waves. Description You will be recruited for […]

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PhD offer: Fast and Accurate Iterative Physical Optics Approach for the Modeling of Electrically Huge Platforms

Context The Iterative Physical Optics (IPO) is a High Frequency method for the electromagnetic analysis, which is inherently parallelizable, thus providing an unrivaled fast tool for the description of large platforms, prediction of RCS, antenna siting, etc. Since based on Physical Optics approximation, though augmented by its iterative scheme, IPO is an approximate method that […]

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Advanced theoretical and numerical methods for waves in structured media, 13-14 mars 2018, Paris

GT 1 Animateurs – organisateurs Manifestation titre Lieu précis Date Animateurs du GT1 : Boris Gralak, Julien DeRosny, Faouzi Triki et Dimitri Komatitch Advanced theoretical and numerical methods for waves in structured media Mardi 13 mars : IPGP – Institut Langevin, 1 rue de Jussieu 75005 Paris 13-14 mars 2018 Organisatrice invitée : Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Bendhia […]

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PhD offer: Universal Launcher Antenna

Context Communication links onboard launchers consist in 3 main functions: Telecommand, Trajectography and Telemetry. Each function currently operates over a dedicated frequency range within [0.4 GHz ; 6 GHz] and a specific antennas network is used for each one via different concepts. Such an implementation is not optimal from an industrial point of view since […]

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Offre de thèse : Approches optique-hyperfréquences pour l’imagerie polarimétrique et la physique de la dépolarisation lumineuse

Contexte L’imagerie polarimétrique est une technique d’imagerie non conventionnelle qui consiste à mesurer l’état de polarisation de la lumière rétro-diffusée par un objet en tout point de l’image et à analyser le comportement polarimétrique des objets imagés. Ce type d’imagerie trouve des applications de plus en plus nombreuses, par exemple pour la microscopie (diagnostic/suivi de […]

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Offre de thèse : Télédétection pour la caractérisation et la quantification de pollution marine – étude de la complémentarité radar / optique

Contexte Les données de télédétection aéroportées et/ou satellitaires sont communément utilisées pour détecter, caractériser et quantifier des produits déversés sur la surface océanique. De façon opérationnelle, l’imagerie radar est habituellement employée dans une première phase de détection de la nappe formée par le produit à large échelle ; l’imagerie optique vient ensuite pour caractériser (nature) […]

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PostDoctoral offer: Low-profile steerable antenna in Ka-band

Context Institut d’Électronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes (IETR), UMR CNRS 6164. Rennes, France. Overview Compact and efficient antenna architectures are key enabler solutions for on-board electromagnetic applications (telecommunications, radars, electronic warfare, etc.). Current solutions use cumbersome mechanical systems, or expensive but flat electronically steered phased arrays. High data rates require the large bandwidth available […]

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